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Plaukiantys boiliai Deepex K K K 10MM
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Plaukiantis kablio masalas KKK, jūros gerybių ir saldaus aromato šviesiai kreminės spalvos su UV mikro dalelėmis mišinys, jo spindesys suteikia žuvims pranašumą aptikti masalą tamsiu paros metu. Šis jūros gerybių ir saldaus aromato mix'as greitai vilioja karšius, karpius, lynus ir karosus . dažniausiai naudojamos žūklėje su šeryklėlėmis ir plūdine meškere. Boiliukai veriami tiesiai ant kabliuko kaip masalas arba ant jo pritvirtinto plauko. Tinka žvejoti visas karpines žuvis. Populiariausias masalas kuojų, karšių, karpių, lynų, karosų žūklėje.
Nutra Baits WAFTER HOOKBAIT Trigga
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Corkie Wafters are produced from pure unadulterated base mix, top quality cork dust and the optimum inclusion rates of the identical attractors and additives used in the bottom bait freebies themselves. They have been painstakingly designed to counterbalance the weight of the hook.Wafters hookbaits are widely recognised as one of the best tactics to use on many of todays more pressured venues and when coupled with a compatible Bait Soak Spray or Bait Soak complex they undoubtedly have a track record that rivals anything out there.
Balansuojantys boiliai Nutra Baits WAFTER Saffron & Cream
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Corkie Wafters are produced from pure unadulterated base mix, top quality cork dust and the optimum inclusion rates of the identical attractors and additives used in the bottom bait freebies themselves. They have been painstakingly designed to counterbalance the weight of the hook.Wafters hookbaits are widely recognised as one of the best tactics to use on many of todays more pressured venues and when coupled with a compatible Bait Soak Spray or Bait Soak complex they undoubtedly have a track record that rivals anything out there.
Balansuojantys boiliai Nutra Baits WAFTER Trigga Pineapple N-Butyric
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Corkie Wafters are produced from pure unadulterated base mix, top quality cork dust and the optimum inclusion rates of the identical attractors and additives used in the bottom bait freebies themselves. They have been painstakingly designed to counterbalance the weight of the hook.Wafters hookbaits are widely recognised as one of the best tactics to use on many of todays more pressured venues and when coupled with a compatible Bait Soak Spray or Bait Soak complex they undoubtedly have a track record that rivals anything out there.
Balansuojantys boiliai Nutra Baits WAFTER HOOKBAIT Trigga Ice
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Corkie Wafters are produced from pure unadulterated base mix, top quality cork dust and the optimum inclusion rates of the identical attractors and additives used in the bottom bait freebies themselves. They have been painstakingly designed to counterbalance the weight of the hook.Wafters hookbaits are widely recognised as one of the best tactics to use on many of todays more pressured venues and when coupled with a compatible Bait Soak Spray or Bait Soak complex they undoubtedly have a track record that rivals anything out there.